Benguet Corporation
as of Apr.24, 2012
Current Affairs
If MARC benefits from all these Nickel issues, I do not see (so far) reasons why BC Benguet corporation will not benefit the same.
On August 8, 2011, BNMI entered into a five-year Marketing Agreement with its Parent Company
as the exclusive marketing agent for its nickel ore production. Through this arrangement, BNMI
signed an agreement for a three-year off-take contract with Bright Mining & Resource Company
Ltd., a major Chinese trading company on August 24, 2011, for the sale and delivery of 1.8 million
metric tons of nickel ore grading at least 1.8% and with Minecore Resources Inc., a subsidiary of
Dunfeng Holding, Inc. of China on October 5, 2011, for 1.8 million metric tons of nickel ore grading
1.8% and above and 200,000 metric tons of 1.6% nickel.
Source:Annual Report
Not only in Nickel, BC is also in GOLD!
Hence, I switched my curiosity to HD mode to check for more info of BC.
My favorite approach, Speculation
5.House of Investment (investor as well in my PERC)
11.Henry Sy
13.Henry Sy Sr.
SY, could just be lurking await for a future take over?
President Benjamin Philip G. ROmualdez
Currently Pres. CHamber of Mines of the Philippines
1.4B 2011 EPS 8.50php/share
2.8B 2010 EPS 15.4php/share (assuming no increase of outstanding shares)
2009 EPS 1.23php/share
Excerpted from news:
To date, the Company successfully retired 83% of its debt obligations and will continue to move towards full settlemenl in 2012.
Basically, as announced by BC President "ongoing settlement of old debt and Company’s efforts in
restructuring its balance sheet has put it back to a positive retained- earnings position.
Once positive would mean dividends and inviting more investors.
Outstanding shares is just 102Million
Mar Cap. 2.5Billion
BC operated DCO Dizon-Copper Mining before. And look how much it is now, DIZ at 3.5B while BC at 2.5B
makes my eyebrows cross.
The Company’s vision is to regain its position as the premier mining company – all in the service of its
employees, shareholders, host communities, the environment, and the country. - very bold
Technical side, please see BC chart.
5 months sideways
Looks like to me a come from behind imminent victory. May imitate the path of PX. Business is on the go, aiming for positive retained earnings.Gold and Nickel products are so timely..
PSEi | 5,204.84 | 35.24 | 0.6817 |  |
It was all green!
One by one I typed in my bets in the quote board to see how they are doing. And one after the other they gave me each a blow.
LC-MARC-PNX-UPM, ahhh they were red at the time I checked them (sigh). I went on to check instead the Gainers/Losers section.
I found my exit in the backdoor. When they were coming, I exited.
Finally. My plan states that once positive, get out...And so I sold.
Part of me said, backdoor! the other, better find an exit!
Modest gains enough to add 11 more cloth diapers for my baby =)
my support is 3.58 but i didn't do anything when it was hovering on 3.64 level. Suddenly it went to 3.58 and even touching 3.55 same time when LC rallied. I quickly put my bid on 3.58 when MARC was already back to 3.61 and slowly climbing back to 3.64. Bid cancelled.
In this case, fund is free =)
No worries MARC. You did fairly well.
Fresh funds available.
PHES was attractive.
In a way that it is now bobbing somewhere in my support, 0.75 (see phes chart blog entry)
When all was green, phes was red. Already disliked by many, and the forces are not looking. Seems to fit again to my system:
Attack when no one is looking...
Bought phes at 0.75
support 0.69-0.70 (sell when broken)
Sell 0.97
buy back 1.10---sell to where it may arrive
Should the plan be ok, funds to use for my 'premier company'
will disclose in appropriate time...
I did not do any trades today. AAA and MARC held fairly while my other bets almost unchanged.
New to my account is the dividends from TEL.
TOday marked the evolution of COL online trading system. Ridiculous! I can't help but to just laugh at what is appearing before me...and I am more worried what would be the reaction of the many. I went back to my bed instead.
Raising funds to buy newly discovered stock to be a qualified candidate to become a premier company to its industry.
Brief research in the company will be released in appropriate time. =)
My thoughts on the China and Philippines stand off?
Media and perhaps few politicians is heightening the alleged tension on both Navy forces..Chinese Navy is intelligent, and so is the Philippines. They know what to do and they are not easily swayed by what media and politicians think about what is to happen.
Peaceful negotiation by both parties is always the option.
My impression of jobs are simply an investment vehicle. I can ride on and come down anytime I want to. Having said that I can ride for a long or short time. If I have to associate my job like that of a stock movement, nowadays with all of what is happening now, going long term may be unwise...but this is only me saying.
There is a more heavy reason why I decided to give up my monthly 200kphp salary for a home base hobby- this could also be my interim job. BUT The reason I will leave my present job is to attend to my most valuable asset- My family.
Yes, you heard it right, I just quit from my lucrative job. I have thought about it and would certainly leave everyone dumbfounded.
Of course, everything happens for a reason. It is not natural and not good for something to transpire without any valid and good reason at all- Natural law
I expected to be bombarded with criticism but to my surprise many of them extended their hands for compliment. Without hearing much from their words, I can see from their faces the eagerness to do the same- to come home for good. One Manager even confided me that he planned the same long since but it would be already impossible when he is already old. The most astonishing share I got was from my boss. He said, he left the industry 4 times. One time, he was out for nine years but eventually came back. It was to him I asked for an advice if I can hand my resignation. Of all the reasons I said, he agreed the most to one- We only have one life.
Indeed one life to enjoy to what we want to do in life. I was not born to make a lot of money. I was born to live the life fullest in what I believe I would enjoy and love. The three must be balance: Family, Income and life. We cannot focus only to one. Either one is up and the other is down or no progress. We will have to work it out to check at them all the time. So it is but natural we jump from these three from time to time. Now this thought always bother me, 'too much work, less family and life'
So leaving my most lucrative job is my best decision-
To solve the evident problem (jobs) I go home and look for something to get my source of income- of my own choice and preference and where I am happy. I will have my family within my reach and can get life whenever I want to- What more on earth I can ask for! The three now will be more likely in balance.
Jobs is like a stock. And in stocks, long term does not apply all the time. I can go in and out and can even get a time to attend to more important things anytime I want. Now that's Family, income and life!
God bless
Price of PHES went down to as low as 0.72 and as I have imposed, this is my signal to sell. So I let go all my shares despite a BIG loss. I have to stick to my plan.
If it goes for a reversal I would of course regret. BUT plan is plan. PHES did not fit my planning strategy. Then bravorat went to see for another cheese around.
Fresh funds from PHES were now just in time to jump in to add more MARC and become now my heaviest position next to my time bomb PERC. I was able to get in at 3.61. whooh it seems I am getting better in fishing the bottom prices. These kind of moves make me smart.
While memory of phes makes me stupid..would make me even more stupid should it go back to its previous highs. I will be happy for the others...moving on
Chart wise, the 2 yr chart interprets that investors have just started to realize the company's value. trend going up. Even for short term, through 3-month period, it is still in the uptrend line.
What caught my attention!
House 338 Philippine Equity Partn hoarded 3.2M shares (12Mphp) for today, without selling.
They have been hoarding shares over a month now.
Since Mar.12
PEP no selling with 15M shares
FMS with 15M shares
UBS no selling with 8M shares
MARCh fever is extended and will be for a long haul! =)
I saw this one coming.
I did say in my Nokor rocket launch entry that it will come at this level, now at support was 0.75
Today's correction was seeking to rest to its recognizable support. Nonetheless today seemed to be biting.
MARC gains are taken by PHES losses= 0
Sold few MARC to avg down PHES
Should Phes can hold 0.75 then uptrend may resume anytime ( i guess it won't go down that low anymore) a common mentality of " I might miss the ride".
In that case GTC at 0.76 or make 0.77 your buying level
I think it's wise to show the chart:
It can rest tomorrow...
It can launch the next...
for now, to slumberland!
It's 7:30am (DST) here in Italy. Noon time trading has just resumed in Phil. My newly loaded TIM internet connection did not work!
Ahhhh you know how it feels...
Immediately I skipped in my jogging wear and went out to the street as fast as I could. to enjoy my run, I put on my monster beats..
I should run like hell when AAA is just about to give me a surprise anytime...
Plan was to sell at 4.0
I should run like hell when PHES is also showing selling pressure...but not convincing for me to sell yet.
Plan was just to enjoy the thrill watching the price action.
There was my gtc for MARC at 3.37. Already bought at the way I reentered again. support must be somewhere below, hmm 3.33.. but having entered is a joy ride when trend is very evident. I will not miss this ride.
I came to the store 15min before it will open.
You know how it feels...the trading is going while I cannot do anything.
Eventually I had my time. Time to ask and argue of this unacceptable service...
huh! If I bought it on saturday, activation will be anytime on MOnday.
So I ran back to my room like hell.
It's now Run off...
I checked my portfolio...All is well.
MARC ate up my gtc at 3.37 =)
AAA did go down to 3.95 otherwise I would have sold it as planned. Now sits somewhere in the "controlled support"
PHES as I said, nothing to do. just awaiting for her surprise.
Another surprise..Got my first comment on my blog =)
I can confidently say,
Refering to the chart of MARC it is poise to draw again an identical pattern. On its third pennant formation there is a high probability it will go up and surpass recent high of 3.52
BUT I sold MARC near intraday high.
Just because of the failed Nokor rocket launch seemed to have given it away for this run. I know nothing on Monday. Profit is profit.
Gains enough to cover my temporary paper loss in PHES.
Fresh funds now to eat more shares of PHES should it drop to support IMO at around 0.75 (actually denial at 0.72) but of course I am hoping it won't reach there. AAA is enough for my, I say again, temporary paper loss.
A breakout of 1.00 for phes is a buy.
let's deal first on its impending breakdown. picks moved like the Nokor rockets. Anyways...
Have a good weekend.
PSEi 5,017.44 |
4.85 |
0.0966 |
UPM United Paragon Mining Corp.
Mineral Exploration and Mining business
In 2003 decided to suspend drilling in Longos. Investor priced it at 0.001 (lowest ever)
After 4 years...
went up until 0.024 on June 2007. One can make money on this easy 23x
...and plunged back until 0.003 in 2009 (certainly affected during recession period)
Since then it is going up to where it is now and been in 5 months consolidation.
Last Aug.2011 the volume traded to 7.6B shares (largest ever) and this period seems to be different than before when it peaked with less Volume.
2011-2012 peak then consolidate
Chart hints a pattern if we start in 2004 and peak in mid 2007, bottom in 2009 and peak up again in 2012.
Will UPM repeat the cycle and possibly go down to 0.007? BUT the chart says otherwise...The 5 month consolidation speaks something.
Consolidation as defined by Investopedia:
"Generally regarded as a period of indecision"
Once the price of the asset breaks through the identified areas of support or resistance, volatility quickly increases and so does the opportunity for short-term traders to generate a profit.
2007- 0.024
2012- 0.024
currently- (0.022-0.021)
It's different now in a sense that-
-Another prospective area for UPM's exploration is San Mauricio located in Jose Panganiban. The Company has plans of continuing exploration drilling in San Mauricio once the necessary clearance from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) is secured.
-UPM is in the process of finding a strategic partner/ investor and/ or creditor to help finance the amount required for the rehabilitation and further development of Longos Mine.
Peeping at their list of stockholders, I can find OV (Philodrill)..but I wonder I can't find National Bookstore which the Ramos' owned.
Here's an article way back 2008 where Natioanl bookstore acquired shares in UPM.
United Paragon Mining Corp. (UPM PM): National Bookstore Inc. acquired 76.87 billion shares in the mineral explorer and miner at 1 centavo each on July 24 2008 increasing its stake to 33.4 percent, United Paragon said. The stock was unchanged at 40 centavos.
This seems to have same play with my PRIM. Same angle of approach but has not hit significant profits =)
Wake up now. Time to make money!
US stocks fall for fifth straight session.