...after all those scripted "I second the motion chuvas..."
-The revenue last year was generated only in six month of operation ending Dec.31, 2011. yet earned a net income of 268M..and some of it were used to settle debts. Revenue 842.9M. Nov-Mar is rainy season.
-This year, we have made 5 shipments..1 is in progress.
-The remainder of the year MARC will ship a higher grade of Nickel
-Compared last year, we only have the second half of shipment..Hopefully this year, the season will cooperate and probably do more shipments since we started early..target profit for this year is 750M-1B.
-I would like to assure everyone that this year MARC will have a better performance. Next ASM food will also be better (chuckled)
-Despite the media attention on mining issues, I assure everyone and am proud to say that MARC is a responsible mining company.
-No questions from the spectator/stockholders have been raised.
-No questions from the spectator/stockholders have been raised.
These are only my honest interpretation from what has been discussed in the ASM. I do not claim accurateness of information.
I entrust my money to MARC because:
-Baby company..it is understandable that stability in stock price is not expected this early...However, the company is evidently profitable. From -73M in June 2011 to a positive retained earnings of 194M (Dec 2011)for only 6 months of operation! This year will be positively different.
-I have had a short conversation with the President, Mr Ramon Recto. First impression: a very down-to-earth human. On our second meet-up, he even thanked me to having invested in the company.
I didn't miss to get a photo with him.
He crack a joke after we took a photo.."maybe you'll give that to Gina Lopez"
I grinned. "No, actually to Ted Failon" everyone in the panel laughed
-Other things ...I will have my shares certificated
Ciao ciao