

Psei index is on the green at the moment recovering from two days of bloodbath.
Now rallying to make its way back again to 5000 territory.

My bet for this week after the successful early MARCh fever is GMA7.
I believe there is an ongoing negotiation between GMA7 and MVP. No disclosure release between both parties- only news.
It is rumored that MVP will acquire GMA7.There are 3 families with big stakes in GMA7 and it is said that it is only waiting for the 3 heads to arrive on the same rationale.

It is very hard for me to discount the probabilities of the deal pushing through.Two houses (brokerage firm)  Asiasec and wealthsec are accumulating shares- and there's MAcquarie sec trap with 10M at 10.0627. 
We may ask, why? Do they know something which the general public doesn't know? 

I bet on this angle, and so I bought GMA7.

Tv5 + GMA7 = 1 Network

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