
Nov.29- Babypalooza bazaar at Ateneo campus

I won't be able to monitor my picks, PCOR and WEB
bot again WEB at 14.02 and quite surprisingly the buy back operation of PEP did not happen today. I will leave my web to where the traders would want the price to be. I believe the buy back operation will still continue next week- not monitoring web tomorrow will be ok. 

PCOR had a smaller volume than yesterday...though managed to settle somewhere near my entry price. I guess its uptrend is halted by psei pullback after 4 consecutive days of green- not monitoring
note: will add position when 11.00 is breached

My location tomorrow will be in Ateneo campus. I will be supporting my wife who has a stall at the Baby Palooza Bazaar: 

Walter Hogan Conference Center Ateneo de Manila University, QC 
Nov. 30 , 2012 9am-5pm

Early weekend for me. Have a great weekend everyone!

P.S. Nov 30 is Bonifacio day..It was a no trading day.

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